Posts in Climate Crisis
Confront the Climate Emergency: An Urgent Call to the BC Government

We call on the BC government to recognize the urgency and alarm that people all over the province are feeling as the climate crisis directly impacts our communities and our health. We call on the provincial government to demonstrate the leadership necessary to confront the climate emergency, and immediately undertake the following 10 actions:

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Gasification Q and A: What is it and will it solve our waste management and climate challenges?

Is gasification the right solution to eliminate need for landfill and CRD’s plans to massively expand Hartland Landfill? We have received many questions about gasification and its merits. This is exciting - it is promising to see so many in our region engaging in this important conversation about how to better manage our waste while directly addressing climate action. Here are answers to your questions…

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Why it's Critical the CRD Stop the Destruction of Our Region's Forests

The CRD plans to destroy 73 acres of forest near Mount Work Regional Park to make way for blasting, mining and a massive expansion of the Hartland landfill. Here’s why it is critical the CRD stop failing us, shift away from ‘business as usual’ thinking, and get on side with biodiversity and climate action.

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