Stop CRD
You have a voice and now is the time to use it to stop the Capital Regional District (CRD) from:
Massively expanding Hartland landfill
Destroying 73 acres of forest, right up to the border of Mount Work Regional Park
Destroying habitat for the Threatened Western Screech-Owl and 15 other Species at Risk
Increasing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from significant increases in heavy truck hauling and distances; plus from mining and quarrying
Significantly increasing heavy industrial traffic through rural Saanich and the heavy commuter corridors: West Saanich Road, Interurban, Wilkinson Road, Helmcken, Keating Cross Road and Wallace Drive, plus View Royal and Highway 1/Douglas.
Spreading toxic biosolid waste in the forests around Hartland - Class A biosolid waste is known to disperse 10-20km and has been shown to contaminate farms, rivers, drinking water, and to cause adverse health impacts in plants, animals and people. Within 10 km of Hartland are farms (Lazy Maple Farm), streams, (Tod Creek), lakes (Durrance Lake), cycling and hiking trails (Mount Work/Hartland/Partridge Hills), drinking water.
Doing all of this without real, formal consultation of key stakeholders - citizens, businesses, First Nations - and without conducting an Environmental Assessment.
Citizens will be affected in many ways by this through:
Loss of wilderness and habitat and wildlife (trees help mitigate climate change caused by GHG emissions)
Loss of safe recreational spaces
Contamination of local food produce
Increased commute times (behind garbage and mining trucks and stinking biosolid waste trucks)
Loss of safe recreational and commuter cycling routes
Loss of peace in your own homes from increased noise from the 200 per day heavy industrial trucks passing by your neighbourhoods
Loss of air quality - from increased GHG emissions and toxic biosolids particulate
Increases in climate change related disasters (wildfires, droughts, floods, loss of viable farming) caused by increased GHG emissions
Loss of safe drinking water (Hartland landfill has already contaminated drinking water in the region (Farmington Road farms and Prospect Lake community))
Increased property taxes (someone has to pay for the infrastructure and road maintenance required for all those giant trucks and it looks like it will be District of Saanich residents) - Saanich District residents may bear the brunt of these costs.
Loss of customers to businesses located on the industrial trucking routes (Red Barn Market, Crooked Goose Restaurant, Save on Gas, Mosi Cafe, and many more).
On this webpage you will find:
The Key issues regarding the draft SWMP
How to present at a CRD Board Meeting
Sample Speaking Points to download and modify
Sample letters to send to CRD, MLAs, Minister of Environment
Contact list: CRD, MLAs, Ministers
Past CRD meetings recording - view prior presentations