Notice of AGM December 2, 2021

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Society for the Protection of the Mount Work Region
(Mount Work Coalition)

Thursday, December 2, 2021
7:00pm PST

Dear Members,

Please join us for our Annual General Meeting followed by keynote speakers Graeme Bethel and Chris Corps of Pivotal Integrated Resource Management Thursday, December 2nd from 7:00pm to 8:00pm - online.

Please Register in advance of the meeting:

Members were emailed their Notice of AGM which included the registration link. If you did not receive this email, please contact our President.

Please note that we must meet Quorum to conduct the AGM, so your attendance is appreciated.


Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021
Time: 7:00pm - 7:20pm (Keynote follows at 7:20pm)
Location: Online meeting (Zoom) REGISTER NOW
Method of Voting: By show of hands

Prior to the AGM, please review the 2021 AGM Document Package which contains the reports we will be voting to accept (link to download is below).

Keynote speakers will follow the AGM . Read about the topic and speakers here..

Agenda of AGM

  1. Welcome and Land Acknowledgement

  2. Call to Order and confirm quorum

  3. Motion: Approve Agenda, Dianne Twamley

  4. Motion: Approve the Minutes of AGM November 25, 2020, Dianne Twamley

  5. Report from the Treasurer, Linda McClung

  6. Motion: Approve the Financial Statements from Year Ending August 31, 2021

  7. Planning for the coming year - Budget discussion

  8. Directors Reports: President, Elaine Klimke; Vice-President, Hugh Stephens; Director, Jonathon O'Riordan

  9. Motion: Adjourn the AGM

*Note: Keynote speakers to follow AGM