Mount Work Coalition Requests to be Stakeholder in CRD's Mount Work Management Planning

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October 26, 2020

Last month, the CRD announced it was seeking feedback on their Management Plan for Mount Work Regional Park and launched an online survey. In light of this initiative, and given the growing concerns about the CRD’s proposed plans to engage in a massive landfill expansion which will involve ongoing blasting, quarrying and the destruction of 73 acres of forest (habitat of several threatened species) right up to the boundary of Mount Work Park, Mount Work Coalition has formally requested that the Society be considered a key stakeholder involved in the creation of the Management Plan for the park.

Here is the response received from CRD to the request:

The Mt. Work Management Planning webpage is the best way to keep abreast of this project. This website will be updated at various times throughout the project. Once the draft management plan is completed and released for public review, it will be posted on the webpage along with a comment form. The webpage will also list any other opportunities for public input. For your reference, I have provided a link to the project webpage below: